LuvitRED release 2.21.0

Posted about 4 years ago by OPTION Support

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OPTION Support
OPTION Support Admin

LuvitRED 2.21.0 has been released and is now available on CloudGate Universe.
Links accessible after logging into the universe:

Release date: Jan 28 2020

Minimum firmware: 2.91.2


  • Lora: support US and AU subbands 1 to 8

For the lora regions US and AU there exist 8 subbands. You can now select the subband you want.

  • Oracle iotcs

The iotcs nodes are now working again. They are still considered beta.

  • Serial support full duplex

The serial node now supports:

    - RS232

    - RS485 half duplex

    - RS485 half duplex with termination

    - RS485 full duplex

    - RS485 full duplex with termination

Selecting one of these option requires the cloudgate to reboot once.

Full Change-log:


  • c8y: fix config parse error
    c8y: improve binary download
    c8y: realtime fixes
    csv: rewrite csv codec
    firewall: fix startup issue
    iotcs: fix broken library
    leveldb: fix crash on invalid batch operation
    modbus: support serial modes using hal
    serial: support full duplex
    wan: pin state and apn username info


  • ftp: improve error handling
    ftp: list remote files in a directory
    http: protolog option
    lora: generate channel masks for US/AU
    modbus: fix transid reused too soon
    thingworx: fix websocket connection headers
    wirepas: fix losing tls configuration
    wirepas: fix sending to broadcast address
    wirepas: support ota upgrades


  • bacnet: device supports local date and time
    cumulocity: fix log download
    cumulocity: realtime improvements on connection loss
    gpio: fix current loop calculation
    iothub: fix setting keepalive
    lora: support US/AU subbands 1-8
    modbus: responder supports port mode
    mqtt: fix reconnect connection issues
    wirepas: improve startup and logging
    zigate: fix crash in time sync command


  • bacnet: enable decoding of ISO 8859-1 charset
    gpio: fix gpio out type regression
    gpio: support CG1124
    http request: ignore HTTP/2 upgrade header
    mbus: support CG1124
    modbus encode: fix encoding float
    modbus tcp: limit modbus requests per client
    modbus: fix crash on decode error using slave mode
    modbus: fix crash on double stop/restart
    protobuf: allow wirepas & protobuf node to work together
    wirepas: allow setting custom TLS certificates


  • cgio: support CG1123 (Smart Metering)
  • file: fix reading character devices (e.g. P1)
  • mbus: fix scan result not showing servers
  • mbus: support CG1123 (Smart Metering)
  • monnit: add industrial ultrasonic sensor
  • monnit: allow sending data of unknown sensor types
  • mqtt: fix double disconnect event
  • mqtt: fix crash in case no subscriptions are used
  • mqtt: improve logging
  • wirepas: fix gateway on redeploy
  • wirepas: fix crash sending data to sensor

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