Add support for custom information in the Login screen

Posted about 6 years ago by Graham Allan

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Graham Allan
Graham Allan

The new LuvitRED plugin node makes customizing the UI much simpler and has impressed the system installers

A further improvement would be to allow developers to customize the Login screen.  At the moment we are prompted for a user name and password but it would be really useful if I could add some additional information say

My Company Name

A project name - would make having multiple passwords easier 

The simplest way of doing this could be to add another option to the plugin node called login screen and then allowing a UI tesxt node to be selected and added to the login screen

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OPTION Support

OPTION Support posted over 5 years ago Admin

The CloudGate login screen is designed to consume a little data as possible.

We actually have two login screens:

The second one is used when you have logged out (manually or timeout) but you could go to it directly.

The second login screen can be customized, but not in luvitred.
See the CGU documentation:

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